kapal perang era helenistik bahasa Inggris
- kapal: carrier; liner; ship; ship's; ships; vessel;
- kapal perang: battle ship; battleship; war boat; war ship; war
- perang: brown; war; campaign; martial; dark-brown;
- era: geological time; geologic time; date; aeon;
- era panglima perang: warlord era
- kapal perang: battle ship; battleship; war boat; war ship; war vessel; warcraft; warship; warships; battleships; battlewagon; pre-dreadnought; ship of war; man-of-war; combat ship
- era: geological time; geologic time; date; aeon; epoch; era; term; period; century; time; age
- bintang perang galactica (kapal): battlestar galactica (fictional spacecraft)
- diplomasi kapal perang: gunboat diplomacy
- jenis kapal perang modern: warship types of the 19th & 20th centuries
- kapal perang amerika serikat: ships of the united states navy
- kapal perang amerika syarikat: battleships of the united states
- kapal perang amfibi: amphibious warfare ship
- kapal perang belanda: naval ships of the netherlands
- kapal perang bismarck: german battleship bismarck